Wood, according to me is always a commodity that should not be wasted and must be reused/recycled at every opportunity.
So when another door frame was being discarded, I was sure I wanted to upcycle this one also. The door frame was much larger than the previous one I had worked on. So I decided that this one could be cut and assembled as a wall unit/shelf that could hold anything from photographs to artefacts to flower vases or plants.
Here are some pictures of the transformation:

Great !
Thank you:)
Thanks Harshita!
Your shelves are beautiful Rashmi! We’re so envious of your DIY project and this is a wonderful example of upcycling. Thanks for sharing and inspiring as always! 🙂
Thank you! So sweet of you to say; appreciate it.
Very simple but elegant
Thank you Chaitali:)
This is beautiful. Hats off to your creativity!
Thanks a lot Saru:) So kind of you to say this.
shelf-1 looks cool
Thank you Arun:)
Idea is excellent but to me they looked 2 diff sets of wood. The thickness of the shelves is much more than the thickness of the frame. Enlighten me pls.
Thanks Nisha; they look different as the shelf has been polished in a different shade of teak. Regarding the thickness, you are right about shelf 2, I asked the carpenter to join two pieces together so that we can increase the thickness.
Awesome creativity!
Thank you Arun:)
This is one way of recycling nature what has given to us.
This is one creativity what one can learn.
This is one to give ideas to others and especially the carpenters.
Mother Nature shall one day ask everybody to do this.
Pats! Pats!! Pats!!!
Thank you so much Shiva; appreciate your positive feedback.:)
This is amazing! Do I spy an upcycled water bottle too?
Thank you Somya:) I hope I can do things as creative upcycling a water bottle!!!
[…] Upcycling idea: Door frame to wall shelves […]
[…] Upcycling idea: Door frame to wall shelves […]
[…] here and here to read about my other upcycling […]