A few days ago Kavita of coupleonquest nominated my blog for “The Liebster Award”.   I am truly happy as my blog is just under four months old:)  It also feels good that my posts are being read, appreciated and my blog is becoming more visible:)

Thank you so much Kavita and many congratulations to your blog as well!Liebster-Award-Large

Liebster Award :  This is an award for a blogger by a blogger and Liebster is given to newbies with a less number of followers (below 200). It is a great way to showcase and recognize the efforts of fellow bloggers.


  • Write a blog post to thank the nominator.
  • Answer the questions asked by the nominator
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and let them know by sharing the link.
  • Ask 11 questions to the nominees.

Here are the questions from coupleonquest and my answers for them:

  1. Which trip is always fresh in your memories?:  A trip to Coonor we did almost ten years ago.
  2. Which is your favorite post you have written?: My post on “Bangalore’s groundnut festival”.
  3. What are your upcoming travel destinations?: A short trip to North Karnataka to visit a few rare temples.
  4. What is your favorite destination and why?: Ooty and Coonor, there is always something to look forward to at both the destination(s) as well the journey from Bangalore.
  5. Where was your first trip?: Coorg, a hill station in Karnataka.
  6. Snow or Sand?: Snow
  7. Are you a morning person or a night owl?: Morning person
  8. Any place or city you would love to visit again and again?: Ooty, Coonor and Pondicherry.
  9. Which food you love the most?: Italian vegetarian cuisine.
  10. What is the one lesson you have learned from your trips? Always go with least expectations, having high hopes or preconceived ideas/notions will leave you most likely disappointed.
  11. Which movie/book inspires you? The movie “The Sound of Music” inspires me to visit Austria🙂

Here I am nominating 11 amazing blogs. Like Kavita said, I am unsure if they fall under the 200 followers category, but they are all great.

Blue ducklings,  Give me the break,  Seagirll, Charlotte Fox, The Interlude,  Tales of a GlobetrotterKatfromkauaiThe Picky Eater TravelsGarnished NonsenseCin, let’s go anywhereJaipur thru my lens

My questions for the nominated bloggers:

  1. Name your dream destination.
  2. Hotels or home stays?
  3. Mountains or beaches?
  4. A destination that truly surprised you and why?
  5. What souvenirs do you collect from your travels?
  6. Any destination that you think was a best kept secret till you discovered it?
  7. Who or what is your favorite travelling companion?
  8. Is there anything at all that you do not like about travelling or the process of preparing for travel?
  9. Why is blogging important to you?
  10. Any key lessons blogging has taught you?
  11. Any tips/advice that you would like to share about blogging with your fellow bloggers.

Look forward to hearing from all of you. Please do drop a line in the comments section once you are done.

Thank you!!!

12 thoughts on “The Liebster Award”
  1. Congrats Rashmi! It was fun reading your answers and learning more about you. You certainly are a little travel bug! We love reading about these great places and living vicariously through you! 😛

  2. Hi, Rashmi, thank you soooo much for nominating my blog, a recognition that I truly appreciate! However I don’t really participate in blog awards, at least for now:), As this is just a space for me to relax and I enjoy as it is a lot, at least for now as well haha! Will look forward to your new posts and best for your lovely blog!

  3. Thanks for the nomination Rashmi.
    This one added to my backlog as well 🙂
    Keep blogging.

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