Browsing through old pictures during this period of lockdown is fast becoming a favourite pastime with me.  Reliving memories of travel and throwback to the ‘carefree’ times when one planned trips and stepped out, many a time, on a whim is indeed comforting.  While things may seem really gloomy at the moment, like everything else, this too shall pass.  Till then it is time to stay home and stay safe.

The most recent set of pictures I was looking at was of my trip in January last year to Switzerland.  While I did visit some of the most amazing cities and museums in the country, what I really loved about the place were its eclectic streetscapes.  One thing I always looked forward to while travelling were the cutest vignettes that were set up spontaneously at street corners, window sills, store and restaurant fronts.  Curated with materials as simple as twigs, flowers, fruits, wool, discarded pots, pans and pieces of fabric, these creations were simply beautiful.

Here are some captures.

Captured in Zurich West
Captured in Zurich West

Again at Zurich West
Again at Zurich West

These captures are sure to inspire you to create cozy vignettes and hygge nooks in your home.

On the way to Rhine falls
On the way to Rhine falls

Beauty in Simplicity
Beauty in Simplicity

In Zurich Old Town
In Zurich Old Town

Love for nature
Love for nature

Looking at them, I realized it is all about being in unison with your surroundings and appreciating seasonal changes.

These little creations albeit simple are sure to add lots of hygge and perk up your mood for the rest of the day!

Click here and here to read more of my Switzerland posts.

7 thoughts on “Photo essay: Switzerland Musings – cozy vignette and hygge inspirations”
  1. Wow..the beauty is indeed in the simplicity..hope you have captured the beautiful falls also..looking forward to those pics as well!

  2. Nice pics…. visiting old town is best and must in every country……we cant even think of traveling for meny month or years….looking at present situation…. hope god ends this pandemic at earliest….

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