If you a lover of heritage railways that chug their way through some stunning panoramic landscapes, Isle of Man offers some of the best.

Located in the middle of the Irish Sea and equidistant from  England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, Isle of Man is a truly fabulous holiday destination.  Pristine beaches, a magnificent coastline and picture postcard scenery is a slice of what you can expect on your visit to this tiny yet fascinating island.  Rich is Celtic history and culture, the island is synonymous with its heritage railway lines and the annual motorcycle TT races.


As stated before, nothing excites me more than a cozy ride on a mountain/toy train amidst mystic hills and valleys.  There are a number of such lines in the Isle of Man most of them dating back to the 19th century Victorian days.  The journey on the little old fashioned trams with vintage oak interiors gives you a chance to step back in time and experience a taste of the old good days.


My favorite amongst the heritage rail journeys was the ride on the Snaefell Mountain Railway which has been operational since 1895.  This electric mountain railway connects the quaint village of Laxey with summit of Snaefell which is the highest point and only mountain in the Isle of Man.  You can also start your journey from the island’s capital, Douglas.


Passing through the country side that is the utterly picturesque and tranquil, the views are sure to leave you spellbound.  The beauty of the lush green meadows dotted with yellow flowers interspersed randomly by sparkling blue lakes and sheep grazing with gay abandon against the backdrop of the mountains had me ensnared.






On clear days, the summit at 2,034 feet (620 m) above sea level provides a view of England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland and the Isle of Man from the top. The 30 minute journey each way for me was pure bliss and a source of unadulterated joy!

There is a lot more to do in the Isle of Man apart from the heritage railway trail.  Visit this site to know more about this spectacular island destination.

You can also refer to my article on Happy Trips for more information.

P.S.: Do not forget to gorge on some delectable ice creams while you holiday here; they sell some of the very best!

19 thoughts on “Snaefell Mountain Railway: picture perfect vistas”
  1. I love little toy trains going up the mountain too… infact cable cars make it to my list too… and if the mountain has snow… wah wah 🙂
    Great pictures and nice write-u Rashmi 🙂 Sharing it…

  2. I took a similar 30-minute ride in a train here in US a couple of years back.
    They also had an option to get off mid-way and opt for a boat-ride in the lake running alongside…a beautiful experience that was!

    Happy to read about Isle of Man…hope to be there some day!

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