Karnataka is home to several ancient and Hoysala temples that are well known for their architectural splendour and ornate sculptures.  But the very mention of Hoysala temples conjures images of the spectacular monuments in Belur and Halebid.  While the temples mentioned therein are examples of architectural brilliance, Karnataka has several other temples built by the Hoysala dynasty that are probably not so well known or “touristy”.  The Brahmeshvara temple in Kikkeri in Mandya district of the state is one such hidden gem.

Brahmeshvara temple in Kikkeri
Brahmeshvara temple in Kikkeri

The temple is located about 11 km from K R Pete.Entrance to Brahmeshvara temple at Kikkeri

Entrance to Brahmeshvara temple at KikkeriDedicated to Lord Shiva who is present in the form of a Linga, the temple faces the eastern direction and hosts the holy bull aka “Nandi” at the entrance.   The bull is intricately carved and the attention to detail is just awe inspiring.

Holy bull at the entrance of Brahmeshvara Temple, Kikkeri
Holy bull at the entrance of Brahmeshvara Temple, Kikkeri
Carvings on the holy bull
Carvings on the holy bull

The “garbha griha” or sanctum sanctorum has an elaborately carved ceiling along with pillars and the characteristic “Mandakini” which is a lady in a dancing position.

Pillars in the interior of the temple
Pillars in the interior of the temple
Carvings on the interior panel
Carvings on the interior panels

The temple’s exterior facade that hosts some of the most elaborate sculptures and carvings is typical of Hoysala architecture.  There are images of Gods, Goddesses and animals that represent superior craftsmanship, maling the stone work on the exterior walls truly magnificent.

Carvings on the external walls

Kikkeri lies aboout 160 km from Bangalore and is easily accessible by road.  Click here and here to read about other famous temples in Karnataka.

5 thoughts on “Photo essay: Brahmeshvara Temple, Kikkeri: a hidden architectural gem”
  1. Wow! Amazing sculptures! I have never seen such intricately carved stone sculptures. Thanks for sharing this post with beautiful photos.

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